New Roles to Assist with Everything from Production to Attracting New Agents to the Company

By Jason Gesing, Chief Executive Officer, eXp Realty, & Kathy Gordon Vice President of Brokerage Operations, eXp Realty

Simply put, the growth of eXp has been astounding. Take a look at our first quarter 2017 results and among the highlights, you’ll see that as of May 12, we had more than 3400 agents across 43 states compared to 842 agents at the beginning of 2016. One of our board members recently described eXp as a “rocket ship”.

When you have a rocket ship accelerating, it’s important to make sure “mission control” is staffed up and able to handle all the complexities of a growing effort. And that’s just what we’ve been working on at eXp. We’re making smart hires, improving our processes and also focusing on how we help agent-owners with their daily needs and ways to bring other agents into our special company. Important areas we are focusing on include making sure the state broker has the ability to:

Kathy Gordon,
VP Broker Operations

In order to accomplish this and more, we are making some changes to the State Broker role as well as adding a new position, “Regional Development Leader” (see below). Previously, each state had one “State Broker” and that individual had to wear the mantle of all functions within the state. This included growth and attraction, as well as coaching, training, helping agents with difficult transactions and all coordination with the state commissions and boards. For one person to assume so many responsibilities was often a real struggle. Now, we will be able to split the growth and attraction processes from the operations processes which will allow better focus and intensity on each function.

New State Administrative Broker Role:

The State Administrative Broker (SAB) continues to be responsible for the successful administration of eXp Realty’s brokerage operations in each state. They are accountable for all operational elements necessary to comply with individual state license law, REALTOR® association membership and MLS participation, along with the transaction review process, compliance training, and the eXp Risk Management program. With a growing agent base and associated responsibilities, the SAB will not have direct responsibility for attracting new agents to eXp.Going forward, all SABs are employees of eXp and will be supported by and report to Kathy Gordon, VP, Brokerage Operations or our new Director, Eastern Brokerage Operations (see below).

State State Administrative Broker State State Administrative Broker
Alabama Brent Beavers Missouri Open
Alaska Frank Zellers Montana Damian Forrester
Arizona Jim Nuth Nevada Beth Ellyn Rosenthal
Arkansas Open New Hampshire Christine Tatro
California Ray Marquez New Jersey Jeffrey Kist
Colorado Ray Sherman New Mexico Reg Olson
Connecticut Ana Festa New York
(excluding NYC)
Ana Festa
Deleware JT Takacs North Carolina Marian Stafford
Florida Randy Rand Ohio Open
Georgia Kimberly Magee Oklahoma Steven Ligon
Hawaii Randy Prothero Oregon Debra Gisriel
Idaho Robert Bass Pennsylvania John Tanney
Illinois Patrick Lynch Rhode Island Ana Festa
Indiana Vince Hopper South Carolina Jim Girard
Kansas Char MacCallum Tennessee Aleah Armstrong
Kentucky MaryAnne Simmons Texas Ron Dunagan
Louisiana Kathy Venable Utah Rick Southwick
Maine Open Virginia Open
Maryland Open Washington Mimi Osterdahl
Massachusetts Patrick Keeler Washington, DC Open
Michigan Cheryl Yost Wisconsin Mary Lausted
Minnesota Doug Herdahl Wyoming Lonna Lamphere

Director, Eastern Brokerage Operations:

With brokerage operations now in 43 states, this new company role will assist State Administrative Brokers and work on other related needs. SABs in the eastern half of the country (with the exception of Florida) will be supported by and report to this new position. We are happy to announce that Chris Riley has accepted this position which will report to Kathy Gordon.

New Regional Development Leader Role:

As our SABs are consumed with important daily operational responsibilities, we are adding a Development Leader to many areas of the country. The actual title will include the geographical area of the country such as “Northeast Development Leader.” This new role will help agents in a number of ways including:

Jason Gesing,
Chief Executive Officer

This role will be responsible for enhancing sustainable growth, productivity, and cultural aspects of eXp Realty within a defined geographic region. An important aspect of this will be assisting current eXp agents by conducting attraction appointments and leading group attraction sessions, both live and in the Cloud. Unlike the SAB, the people filling these positions are all eXp agents who have demonstrated a high level of leadership (some are former State Brokers) and all will remain as independent contractors to eXp, working closely with Jason Gesing, CEO, eXp Realty and Vikki Bartholomae, President, eXp Realty. We will announce these names shortly. In the future, a related role for larger states will also be added.

Market Relations Ambassador:

Previously referred to as our Growth Support Associate, we’ve renamed the position held by Sam Rodriguez to better clarify his vital role in helping our agents present the eXp opportunity, build relationships, answer questions, and ultimately guide new agents towards joining the company.

Jason Gesing is the Chief Executive Officer of eXp Realty, the Company’s real estate brokerage division. Kathy Gordon is Vice President of Brokerage Operations for eXp Realty. Feel free to share your thoughts with them! Reach Jason at [email protected] and Kathy at [email protected].