Last week I had an opportunity to meet a gentleman named Darren Jacklin while in a meeting in Kelowna, British Columbia.

Darren works primarily as a corporate trainer working with executive teams as well as sales teams get better results. To be in Darren’s presence is infectious, to say the least. He’s a dynamic individual who oozes positivity. In speaking with a number of people I know that know Darren personally this has been Darren’s persona as long as they have known him. In addition to being a very positive person Darren is very knowledgeable and articulate in the area of personal motivation.
I asked Darren if there was one thing which he did as a practice to stay the positive person that he is. Without hesitation he said, “Gratitude.” Having Gratitude for everyone and everything.
Over the last couple of weeks the subject of Gratitude has shown up many times in my world as a practice which separates the great from just the good. Darren Hardy in the Compound Effect speaks of being grateful as one of the major fuels for super productivity and it really makes sense. If you are grateful and feel gratitude toward all the people, circumstances, and things in your life you will naturally be more positive upbeat and have more energy for the day and for life.
If we wake up everyday with gratitude in our hearts for everything that has happened in the past and gratitude for everything that will happen in the future we will by nature attract into our lives those things which support and nurture us. Working in sales we are sometimes more interested in the outcome rather than the journey. If we take time out for gratitude for every situation we find ourselves in maybe, just maybe the outcome we were looking for will happen effortlessly.